Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Glee - "A Very Glee Christmas" Season 2 Episode 10

It's Christmas time and the Glee club is looking for some Christmas spirit. They decorate the Glee club and sing.  Mr. Schuester tells them they are going to go class to class and sings carols to raise money for the homeless. None of Glee thinks that's a good idea because of how unpopular they are. Just as they suspect the students are not interested in hearing Glee sing and even a teacher throws a shoe at them.

The teachers are all getting together and exchanging names for a secret Santa, organized by coach. Everyone picks their names and Mr. Schuester is horrified to see he got Sue. He starts a list of thinks he could get for sue, it had 2 things on it; 1. a robot dog, 2. A soul.

Artie and Brittany are talking about Christmas in the hall and she asks him what he asked Santa for. Atrie realizes Brittany still believes in Santa, not wanting to crush her dreams he asks for the help of Glee club. Mercedes, Santana, Quin, Artie, Finn and Sam all head down to the mall with Brittany to sit on Santa's lap, hoping to keep her belief in Santa alive. So when it's Brittany's turn to sit on Santa's lap she asks him for 1 thing, Atrie to be able to walk! Artie is shaking his head no the mall Santa, who tells Brittany OK.

Kurt is studying at his new school, when his new friend comes in and asks him to help him rehearse Baby it's cold outside" with him. The 2 start singing the song, which sounded awesome, and even a little flirting. hey finish singing the song and Mr. Schester comes in and Kurt tells him that at least he has a crush on a guy who is actually gay. Then Mr. Schuester asks for Kurt's help in picking out a gift for Sue. Kurt's says he knows the perfect thing and they get her a track suit with fur on the hood.

All the teacher's bring their gifts in for the Secret Santa and realize that everyone has Sue's name, and she has switched the jars. They were also so upset, the decided to go into her office when she wasn't there and take all the presents back and donate them to the homeless. Sue walked in near the end and Mr. Schuster called Sue a Grinch.

Artie, Sam and Finn explain to Coach Beast about Brittany, and how she still believes in Santa and asks for her help to play Santa and tell her that he can't make Artie walk for Christmas. Hoping that will keep her belief in Santa alive. The Coach decides to do it, because she doesn't want to see Brittany's heart break. After all everyone remembers how magical and exciting Christmas was when they still believed.

Sue decides to become the Grinch, since Will wants to call her the Grinch. She dresses up in a Grinch costume with make-up and even the Santa suit. She had Becky dress as a rein-dog, she gets herself a sleigh and heads into the Glee room to the song Sue the Grinch. She steals all the presents back, shreds the tree, breaks all the ornaments. Then Brittany arrives with a gift for the homeless and asks Santa what he's doing Sue gives the line about fixing the tree, and Brittany is happy and leaves.

The next morning Glee club arrives to see all the presents for the homeless gone, and the Christmas tree and decorations destroyed. Brittany insists it was Santa, the Glee club thinks it was someone from the football team because of their unpopular status. But they don't let it damper their spirits.

Rachael insists to Finn that they are the leaders, so it is up to them to bring Christmas back to Glee club. They go look for tree's at a tree lot, while Rachael tells Finn last Christmas she asked Santa for him and they kiss...but Finn pushes her away and tells her she hurt him to bad and maybe ask Santa again next year because he is breaking up with her for now.

That night when Brittany goes off to bed, Coach Beast arrives dressed as Santa. Brittany comes down stairs and is excited to see him again. Santa breaks the news to Brittany that he can't give her what she promised, that somethings are even impossible with magic. Brittany is devastated and Santa leaves.

The next morning at school Brittany is devastated that Santa wont be making Artie walk for Christmas, so he tell Mr. Schuester that he is going to take her home. The rest of Glee club goes to the staff perform to preform for them. You know the song from the Grinch that all the who's sing around the Christmas tree , after the Grinch stoled Christmas. Sue hears this and realized she didn't damper any one's Christmas spirits.

Artie shows up at School with a re-walk, it's a machine that helps him walk, it was under Brittany's Christmas tree when they arrived at her house. They have no idea where it came from and Brittany thought it was a transformer. They all decide it was Santa that brought it. But Coach Beast is watching from a far, looks like she didn't want to break Brittany heart and Christmas spirit.

Sue later surprises Mr. Schuester by having the entire Glee Club help return all the gifts she stold, and decorate his house, complete with Christmas tree. She bought him a gift even...a hair buzzer to shave off his Chi-pet and put them all out of their misery.

So what did you think of tonight's episode of Glee? Do you love Christmas or are you a Grinch like Sue?

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